Ersin Textile

Project Type
Facade Design
Project Area
500 m2
Ersin Tekstil


Ersin Tekstil, one of the leading garment suppliers in Turkey, specializes in knitted fabrics. In their own words, by using the power of cutting, sewing and ornamental fabric; they test current products to their customers with an innovative and sustainable design approach.

Based on these themes, we took the building with a completely different perspective, with the effect of the vault roof to be added to the existing lean design. We combined the vault roof, which would look alien to the building, with the facade. We harmonized the entrance stairs, which were in conflict with the building, with a ramped entrance extending parallel to the building. We used vertical panels to raise the stance of the facade and as sun shading. With the pattern work we produced from the logo, we carried the knitted fabric element we wanted to emphasize on the cantilever mass on the facade. We tried to integrate the same pattern detail with the building by carrying it to the facade of the security hut, which we made defined by the eaves.

The parking area has been rearranged to reduce the mass effect of the existing parking area at the entrance and to reveal the villa a little more. Closed storage is also planned for the continuation of the parking lot. The canopy designed between the parking lot and the entrance axis is designed with a glass closure at the entrance of the villa. The landscaping of the entrance facade was created with the tree added to the door area and the fruit trees, followed by the playhouse area and the hobby garden.

The area connecting from the main entrance to the garden is completed with an iconic tree and sculpture.

In the living garden, a breakfast terrace, barbecue house, jacuzzi area and fire pit are designed as multi-functional landscaping areas that provide the use of the entire garden.

In the interiors designed after the design of the landscape areas, a unity was aimed by using the modern lines, details and colors of the landscape area.